My Time to Craft! #387 Something New
Hello, my dearios! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! My grandson (and his parents!) came over from Ireland and we all spent time in Shropshire with my granddaughter (and her parents!) It's very rare that we all manage to get together, since we all live far apart, so it was a very special treat! I am now at the slightly gloomy stage where everyone has gone home and it's time for a Grand Tidy Up! It's astonishing how much clutter is created when a very lively 2-year old boy is staying! Though I confess I did enjoy laying out train tracks all over the floor and playing with the train! Now I'm taking a break, with a cuppa, to tell you about the new Challenge at My Time to Craft. The very topical theme is 'New'. That can be New Home, New Job, New Baby, even New Stash! My nephew and neice are expecting a baby next month, so of course I went with 'New Baby.' We don't know if they're having a boy or a girl, so I went with lilac for the co...