Award! So Chuffed!

Laura AND Mags have both given me this lovely award! I am just so chuffed - thank you very much, lovely ladies!
The conditions for this award are - Post on your blog, then link back to the people who awarded it, and thank them. Give the award to people who inspire you and have less than 200 followers. Notify the 5 people about the award.
The purpose is to spread the word about blogs that have less than 200 followers. 'Liebster' in German means 'Dearest' - isn't that a lovely thought?
This is the hard part - choosing just 5 blogs from the very many inspiring blogs that give me such pleasure and delight!! Really-truly, I am inspired by all of you! However, here goes:
Kim who is to blame for getting me into this carding business in the first place, through her books published by Search Press
Mrs F whose blog posts are a delight
Jack who is one of my lovely teamies on Dream Valley
Annmaree in Australia - good on yer, mate! (I believe that's an Australian saying, lol!!
Junie whose decorated candles are lovely!
ChristineL who is just lovely!
Oh, it's taken me ages to do this, you are all so lovely and your comments are just wonderful - thank you! I really treasure you all, you know?!
much love, Mags B xxx
Many thanks for the lovely award... unfortunately I've had it before a couple of times, so can't do it again.. Don't know why it's missing from my sidebar!
But lovely of you to think of me... and nice to be thought of as 'just lovely'!! hehe
Christine x
I'm so sorry that I still haven't managed to publicly acknowledge your kind award, you must think me incredibly rude.
If you have been following my blog you will have seen what has gone on just lately, so to be honest I don't want to potentially drag any other unsuspecting blogs into it, so I think that perhaps it would be better if you gave your award to someone else.
I am incredibly honoured by your king gesture, and hope that you wont think any the less of me for my refusal.
Hugs Kimx
I hope you are having a good weekend.
Love Jules xx